
Painting of John Dainel Blyler Blyler Fruit Farm had its beginning in Valley View, PA. John and Agnes Blyler were the parents of Elmer Blyler. Elmer and Alberta began the Farm Market at its present location, one mile East of Gratz on Route 25, in 1940. In 1961 Elmer purchased his parents’ farm at Valley View, which was then planted with apples and pears. The two farms are nine miles apart. The Valley View farm is located in Schuylkill County and the Gratz farm is located in Dauphin County. The acreage has remained at about 125 acres of cropland. Seventy-five of these have consistently been planted in tree fruits. The remaining acreage is in rotation of strawberries and vegetables. In 1998 Elvin and John Blyler, sons of Elmer and Alberta Blyler, formed a partnership to continue the farm operation.

The Blyler Fruit Farm has apples available almost year round. We currently grow and carry 13 varieties and can store 25,000 bushels of apples. We also carry a variety of other fruits and vegetables, including peaches, nectarines, apricots, strawberries, plums, pears, cherries, sugar peas, pumpkins, turnips, and more.



Blyler Fruit Farm
7922 Route 25
Spring Glen, PA 17978


Market hours

Thursday9AM - 5PM
Friday9AM - 5PM
Saturday9AM - 2PM

We Carry


Red Delicious, Yellow Delicious, MacIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Jonathon, Rome Beauty, Stayman, Fuji, Jon-A-Gold, Summer Rambo, Ginger Gold, Gala, Ida Red


Loring, Red Haven, Red Skin


Bosc, Bartlett, Red Bartlett, Seckel

Other Fruits and Vegetables

Apricots, Neck Pumpkins, Nectarines, Plums, Prune Plums, Squash, Strawberries, Sweet Cherries, Turnips

Blyler Products

Apple Butter, Applesauce, Dried Apple Snitz (sweet for pies; tart for snacking), Fresh Apple Cider, Frozen Apple Cider, Full Strength Apple Cider Vinegar, Pear Cider

Other Products

Frozen Individual Apple Dumplings (made with our apples, sugar free available), Honey, Jellies, Preserves, Hershey’s Ice Cream products
